Get Reimbursed by Your Insurance for an Ergonomic Office Chair

Please note: The following facts apply to Germany.
If you need an ergonomic office chair or a height-adjustable desk for health reasons – for example, due to a herniated disc – there are various ways to receive financial support. At Löffler, we are proud to offer not only ergonomic solutions but also a range of orthopedic special solutions in our Löffler Plus series.
First Step: Talk to Your Employer
Your employer is often the first point of contact when it comes to acquiring ergonomic furniture. Many employers are aware of their responsibility and are happy to invest in workplace ergonomics as it enhances employee performance and motivation and reduces sick leave. An open conversation with your supervisor about existing back problems can often be enough to initiate the purchase of suitable furniture.
Applying for a Subsidy from Health Insurance or Pension Insurance
If your employer is unable to help, there are alternative ways. You can apply for a subsidy from your health insurance or pension insurance. Even if you want to purchase the furniture yourself, it is worth discussing this with your employer beforehand to clarify possible support.
Legal Obligations of Your Employer
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, your employer is responsible for your health and safety at the workplace. The law indirectly requires employers to consider ergonomic principles in workplace design. According to §3, 1 of the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV), the employer must take measures when setting up and operating workplaces and consider the state of technology, occupational medicine, hygiene, and ergonomic requirements.
Which Funding Bodies Provide Grants for Ergonomic Office Furniture?
If your employer refuses to make the purchase, you can apply for a subsidy from various funding bodies. Under certain conditions, they cover the costs for ergonomic office chairs or height-adjustable desks:
- German Pension Insurance: Available with proof of 15 years of compulsory employment or if the office chair is deemed necessary for medical rehabilitation.
- Federal Employment Agency: With less than 15 years of compulsory employment.
- Accident Insurance Institutions: After a work or commuting accident.
- Integration Office: For civil servants and students.
- Health Insurance Companies
Steps for Applying
Here are the main steps for applying to the Pension Insurance:
- Fill out the application form: Obtain the form from the website of the German Pension Insurance.
- Obtain a medical certificate: Get a certificate or discharge report from the rehab that confirms the need for an ergonomic office chair.
- Create a job description: Describe your activity as detailed as possible.
- Obtain a cost estimate: Get a cost estimate from a specialist retailer or request a quote right now: Purchase the chair or desk only after the application has been approved.
- Inform your employer: Clarify in advance whether your employer supports the purchase.Submit the application:
- Submit all documents and wait for the response: Processing can take several months.
What to Do If the Application Is Rejected?
If your application is rejected, you have the option to appeal within 14 days. Often, the doctor's certificate is not detailed enough. A precise description of the required functions of the chair increases the chances of approval.
Tax Deductibility
If you purchase the ergonomic office chair yourself, you can deduct the costs from your taxes. Office chairs up to 800 euros can be fully deducted in the year of purchase. Alternatively, you can depreciate the costs over 13 years.
Please note that we cannot provide tax or legal advice. This information is for general purposes only. Please consult a tax or legal advisor before making any decisions.